ResourceBundleMessageSource, ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource
개요 |
1차 처리 |
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처 리 |
<< 개요 >>
ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource 때문에 최적화 팀에서 빼달라고 연락이 왔다.
바로.. <property name="cacheSeconds" value="5" />
5초마다 계속 번들을 읽어들이고 캐시하는 옵션 때문이였다.
<< 1차 처리 >>
<bean id="messageSource" class=""> <property name="basenames"> <list> <value>WEB-INF/messages/MessageResources</value> </list> </property> <property name="cacheSeconds" value="5" /> </bean> |
<bean id="messageSource" class=""> <property name="basename"> <value>WEB-INF/messages/MessageResources</value> </property> </bean> |
<< 버그?? >>
번들을 찾지 못하는 오류가 났다...Why??? ㅠ _ ㅠ... 이유는 잘모르겠다..설정은 잘한것 같은데...
참고 사이트 :
<< 처 리 >>
처리는..cacheSeconds 옵션을 빼버리는것으로...처리 하였다.
<bean id="messageSource" class=""> <property name="basenames"> <list> <value>WEB-INF/messages/MessageResources</value> </list> </property> </bean>
아래처럼 Default is "-1", indicating to cache forever 의 내용이므로..!!
* Set the number of seconds to cache loaded properties files.
* <ul>
* <li>Default is "-1", indicating to cache forever (just like
* <code>java.util.ResourceBundle</code>).
* <li>A positive number will cache loaded properties files for the given
* number of seconds. This is essentially the interval between refresh checks.
* Note that a refresh attempt will first check the last-modified timestamp
* of the file before actually reloading it; so if files don't change, this
* interval can be set rather low, as refresh attempts will not actually reload.
* <li>A value of "0" will check the last-modified timestamp of the file on
* every message access. <b>Do not use this in a production environment!</b>
* </ul>
public void setCacheSeconds(int cacheSeconds) {
this.cacheMillis = (cacheSeconds * 1000);
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